Today’s weather was clear for a second day in a row, a signal of summer coming, and there seemed to be a thousand bright pink peonies in our yard, their petals opened wide in supplication toward the sun. As I walked past these into our garden I noticed the flower pictured below, one of only two flowers, the other still tightly closed, on its small shrub.
This velvety-dark, jewel-toned peony was so striking in its singular perfection that I stopped to admire it, and wished I had noticed it sooner. Why had it chosen a different, likely more challenging course, and pushed through the narrow gap between fence pickets before blooming?
I have a tender and reverent heart for the outlier, for the one with the courage to forge a unique path or try a road less traveled; of all the beautiful flowers in my garden today, I love this one the very best.
Today, the warm sun, the peonies, but especially this little red outlier, are my joy. #joyinplace