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Joy of the Day, Day 53: Meaningful May

A couple weeks ago, the counselors at Sakai Intermediate School circulated a special calendar to every family with a student attending the school. The calendar was created by the people at Action For Happiness, who describe their organization as follows: “Action for Happiness is a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society.” The group mobilizes research andirons resources to engage people in actions that create a happier, more compassionate world—to my mind, a very noble and worthwhile pursuit.

The calendar for Meaningful May, pictured below, includes one suggested action item for each day this month—31 actions intended to help kids and the people who love them respond to the unfamiliar territory we find ourselves in with purpose and meaning. On a whim, I printed the calendar out and stuck it under a magnet on the fridge.

I’ve tried to make at least vague mental note of each day’s directive, just to have something extra to think about and chew on as I go about my daily business. Today, I decided to engage my family in the exercise by asking each of them them this question, as directed by the square for May 22: “What matters most to you and why?” Everyone in my house obliged, with some prodding but without any complaint, and I thought I would share a little bit of what they wrote, in the hope that it lifts you in the way it lifted me.

“A couple things that matter to me are persistence and efficiency. Efficiency is when I wake up, how can I make the most of my day? Efficiency is working hard on what matters and still having the time to enjoy yourself and make the most out of your day. Persistence links with efficiency. It’s always showing up on time, waking up at the right time, or doing a workout every day, even when you might be feeling tired or lazy.”

“What matters most is loving others, because when you love others you receive love, and your life is love.”

“My family matters the most to me. I often feel the highs and lows of family members, their successes and failures, hope and dreams. And because I know my time with family can often be fleeting, I try to prioritize it over any area of my life.”

“What matters most to me: first it’s making sure I’m happy, and then making sure that everyone around me is happy. Even though I can’t always change people’s moods and make them feel better, I like knowing that I tried.”

Today, knowing what matters most to the people in this house is my joy. #joyinplace

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