Today Stephanie and I walked from my house all the way down to Blakely Harbor, and crossed over the little bridge I first crossed on New Year’s Day, when I made a commitment to live with intention. On its own, walking in the woods, especially with a friend and especially because it feels like it always has—a constant in a sea of shifting things—brings joy. But crossing the Blakely Harbor bridge today, as we caught up on some of the happier, harder, lighter and darker bits of our lives lately, was a reminder that I’m actually walking my walk--doing what I set out to do, making intentional choices for myself each day, no matter that everything has changed, twisted and flipped upside down since I made that commitment months ago—and finding some extra joy in the process.
The walk was long but the time passed so quickly as we made our way from the bridge, back up Fort Ward Hill to the far end of South Beach Drive, and paused for a minute where the road runs into Toe Jam Hill and there’s a sign that says “Slow Down.” In the pre-Covid time, we often turned around here on training runs and made point of giving the sign a little touch or fist bump—an affirmation of having made it this far. We half-joked about not being able to safely touch the sign today, then continued back to the house, stopping to smell the rock roses along the way.
Today, walking my walk with a friend by my side is my joy. #joyinplace