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On March 30th, 2020, I wrote the following, not knowing at all (how could any of us possibly have known?) where it would lead: 


I think, talk and write a lot about the practice of finding the joy—in the good days, in the not-as-good days, in my life generally.

A couple weeks into this current #shelterinplace life-phase, I’m realizing the days are playing a disorienting trick of blurring one into the next without me really noticing. Life is far too short to let whole days slip by unaccounted for, unmarked and unacknowledged. So, in keeping with my 2020 goal of living intentionally, I’m going to honor myself by adding this one small thing to my job description: I will notice and give air to a single point of joy in each of my days, every day, to the best of my ability, for as long as it feels relevant/productive.


The "Joy of the Day" posts I wrote during the first couple months of the pandemic eventually amounted to a discreet body of work that I like to revisit from time to time. It is a complete-ish record of my personal experience, using joy-finding as an anchor, with righting myself as the chaos and uncertainty of Covid set in around me. I'm creating a permanent home for "Joy of the Day" right here, so that anyone who would like to may re/read these posts whenever and however they would like to read them.


Because blogs work such that the pieces written last appear first on the list, you'll have to scroll down a bit to start at the beginning--though I've noticed that it's also an interesting exercise to begin reading from the final post backwards, into the pandemic-past. However consumed, my hope is that these snippets deliver to you what they delivered to me in writing them: perspective, connection, gratitude, and yes, of course, joy.

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